Friday, February 27, 2009


Finally!! Tod and I have safely arrived in Bangkok, after a luxurious Quantas flight in which we both drank an average amount of Red wine which later lead to me throwing up! When we arrived in Bangkok we were kindly greated by a humid temperature which soon became rather sweaty and annoying as we were dressed for our delightful British (of course Tod is welsh) temperature. We managed to get through the airport after being hassled in to taking taxi journies with private "Good price!" taxi drivers. Outside we hauled a thai meter taxi who couldnt speak a word of English, except "England number one!!" and "Liverpool,Chelsea and DROGBA!", he also had no idea where our hostel was! Great!! I slightly panicked when i saw no seat belts in the back and the taxi driver kept turning around to say stuff and taking his hands off the wheel to clap. The journey progressed and I practiced my very best thai and this entartained the taxi driver a lot!! We began to get worried as he kept stopping at dodgy looking places to ask for directions!! We eventually got to the Bansabi hostel and were pleasantly suprised by the cleanliness and overflowing pool on the top floor! Later that evening we went to the hostels local restaurant which happened to be thai kareoke night and well lets just say they arent great singers over here!!! Food was fantastic though and very cheap!!
We shall update more later missing you all xxx

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